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VP- Adult Swim Lessons - 210609

Learning how to swim is essential at any age! Whether you are looking to learn how to swim or simply improve your strokes and skills for recreational or athletic reasons, our instructors will work with your individual skills and needs. Classes are semi-private. All of our lessons are taught by the volunteers of the Venetian Aquatic Club. Participants must bring proper swim attire.
Ages 18 years old and above
Learning how to swim is essential at any age! Whether you are looking to learn how to swim or simply improve your strokes and skills, our instructors will work with your individual skills and needs.
Participants must bring: Proper swim attire.

3 week sessions 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
3 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Column #10
Unavailable 210609-01 Unavailable VP- Adult Swim Lessons Session 1 06/11/2024 -06/27/2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Tu, W, Th Venetian Pool 18-100
Unavailable 210609-02 Unavailable VP- Adult Swim Lessons Session 2 07/02/2024 -07/18/2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Tu, W, Th Venetian Pool 18-100
Unavailable 210609-03 Unavailable VP- Adult Swim Lessons Session 3 07/23/2024 -08/08/2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Tu, W, Th Venetian Pool 18-100

STC - Advanced Adult Clinic - 301206

This co-ed program is for students who have a solid USTA NTRP rating of 3.5 or better. Women in this program typically have a rating of 4.0 or higher. Men in this program are typically rated 3.5 or higher. Classes will cover shot placement, strategy, stroke development, and point play. Proper tennis shoes are required. Participants must be approved by the program coordinator or have participated in the program previously.
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Column #10
Go To Calendar 301206-02 Check Availability STC - Advanced Adult Clinic Enroll By Date 08/19/2024 -11/18/2024* 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm M Salvadore Park Tennis Center 18-99

AAC- Book Club - 310101

Join the Adult Activity Center’s Book Club as we discuss a different book each month.

The book club will meet the 2nd Monday of the month

September: Horse By: Geraldine Brooks
October: Lessons in Chemistry By: Bonnie Garmus
November: Trust By: Hernan Diaz
December: The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle By: Stuart Turton

Circulo de Lecturo / Spanish Book Club
Disfrutas leyendo libros que cambiarán tu vida, si los dejas? Te gusta la idea de ser parte de una comunidad de personas de ideas afines y de corazón abierto? Te tomarás este viaje en serio y te divertirás un poco también? Has venido al lugar correcto! Únase a nosotros en nuestro club de lectura mensual en español llamado Circulo de Lectura.

Do you enjoy reading books that will change your life, if you let them? Do you like the idea of being a part of a community of like-minded, open-hearted people? Will you take this journey seriously, and have some fun too? You have come to the right place! Join us at our monthly Spanish Book Club

For more information contact 305-461-6765 or email AAC INFO
8 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Column #10
Unavailable 310101-01 Unavailable AAC- Book Club, September 09/09/2024 -09/09/2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm M Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310101-02 Available AAC- Book Club, October 10/14/2024 -10/14/2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm M Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310101-03 Available AAC- Book Club, November 11/18/2024 -11/18/2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm M Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310101-04 Available AAC- Book Club, December 12/09/2024 -12/09/2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm M Adult Activities Center 50-150
Unavailable 310101-05 Unavailable AAC- Circulo De Lectura (Spanish Book Club) September 09/11/2024 -09/11/2024 11:30 am - 1:00 pm W Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310101-06 Available AAC- Circulo De Lectura (Spanish Book Club), October 10/09/2024 -10/09/2024 11:30 am - 1:00 pm W Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310101-07 Available AAC- Circulo De Lectura (Spanish Book Club) November 11/13/2024 -11/13/2024 11:30 am - 1:00 pm W Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310101-08 Available AAC- Circulo De Lectura (Spanish Book Club) December 12/11/2024 -12/11/2024 11:30 am - 1:00 pm W Adult Activities Center 50-150

AAC-Current Events - 310102

Current Events: Join in a lively exchange of views on current events. Come for a weekly animated discussion on international, national and local events.

Sports Current Events: If you are a fan of sports or looking to learn more join us for lively conversations surrounding sports news and scores!

World of Entertainment: The World of Entertainment is a discussion group where we will follow all the current events and trends in the entertainment world! From Broadway musicals and mainstream movies to modern pop and classic rock, nothing is off limits. We will pick our Tony, Grammy, Golden Globe and Oscars winners. Anything in the world of entertainment goes!

For more information contact 305-461-6765 or email AAC INFO
8 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Availability Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Column #10
Add To Cart 310102-01 Available AAC- Current Events September 09/05/2024 -09/26/2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Th Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310102-02 Available AAC- Current Events October 10/03/2024 -10/31/2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Th Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310102-03 Available AAC- Current Events November 11/07/2024 -11/28/2024* 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Th Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310102-04 Available AAC- Current Events December 12/05/2024 -12/26/2024 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Th Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310102-05 Available AAC-Sports Current Events, September 09/05/2024 -09/26/2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Th Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310102-06 Available AAC-Sports Current Events, October 10/03/2024 -10/31/2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Th Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310102-07 Available AAC-Sports Current Events, November 11/07/2024 -11/21/2024* 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Th Adult Activities Center 50-150
Add To Cart 310102-08 Available AAC-Sports Current Events, December 12/05/2024 -12/26/2024 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Th Adult Activities Center 50-150