YC Youth Basketball - 120225

YC Youth Basketball 13-15 yrs old

$249.00 - $327.00

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Activity Details

YC Youth Basketball 13-15 yrs old

Meeting Details

Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Days: Mon, Wed
War Memorial Youth Center
405 University Drive
Coral Gables, FL, 33134


Age older than or equal to 13.00 and younger than or equal to 15.99. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
Family Member Category of Resident.
Current Transaction Date on or after 12/02/24.
Family Member Category of Non-Resident.
Current Transaction Date on or after 12/16/24.
Current Transaction Date on or after 12/02/24.
At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass code list: YC-Individual15&Older (YC Individual 15 & Older), YC-Individual15&OlderFull (YC Individual 15 & Older Full), YC-IndividualChildFull (YC Individual Child Full), YC-IndividualFullTimeCollegeStudent (YC Full Time College Student), YC-IndividualSenior (YC Individual Senior), YC-IndividualSeniorFull (YC Individual Senior Full), YC-Three+Household (YC Three+Household), YC-Three+HouseholdFull (YC Three+Household Full), YC-TwoPersonHousehold (YC Two Person Household), YC-TwoPersonHouseholdFull (YC Two Person Household Full), YC-TwoPersonHouseholdSenior (YC Two Person Household Senior), YC-TwoPersonHouseholdSeniorFull (YC Two Person Household Senior Full), valid on transaction date.

YC Youth Basketball 13-15 yrs old

The mission of the program is to provide community youth with a recreational basketball opportunity. The program has adopted the philosophy of a fun, non-pressured, 'athlete first and winning second', environment. To ensure the quality of the athletic program, children need the parents' commitment to attend practices and games. All practices will be held at the Youth Center.
No practices or games during spring break - March 20th thru March 24th
Some Friday games will be added



Charge When Not Billed:
YC Athletics Fee Residents (Standard Fee): $232.71 + $16.29 Tax = $249.00 (Discount Applied)


Charge When Not Billed:
YC Athletics Fee Non-Residents (Standard Fee): $305.61 + $21.39 Tax = $327.00 (Discount Applied)
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