Court Information

Details for Biltmore Court 01

Length in hours Less Than or Equal To 2.00. Less Than or Equal to 1 days before the item begin date.
Interface Type of WebTrac,Mobile WebTrac.
Transaction Time at or after 12:01 am.
Transaction Time before 7:00 am.
No Consecutive BookingsAdvanced settings: more than or equal to 3.00 item item(s) every 30.00 days backward per family member, per service item type - list (tennis no show) .

William H. Kerdyk Biltmore Tennis Center1150 Anastasia AvenueCoral Gables, FL, 33134(305)460-5360Facility: Biltmore Court 01

$8.88 + $0.62 Tax = $9.50 (Discount Applied)