AAC-Book Club - 310101

AAC- Book Club, October

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Activity Details

AAC- Book Club, October

Meeting Details

Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Days: Mon
Adult Activities Center
2 Andalusia Avenue
Coral Gables, FL, 33134


At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass code list: AAC Access NR (AAC Access Non-Resident), AAC Access Res (AAC Access Resident), valid on item begin date.
Age older than or equal to 50.00 and younger than or equal to 150.00. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
Family Member Category of CG Resident.
Current Transaction Date on or after 07/15/24.
Family Member Category of CG Non-Resident.
Current Transaction Date on or after 07/29/24.
Current Transaction Date on or after 07/15/24.
At least 1 current membership per family member from this pass code list: YC-Individual15&Older (YC Individual 15 & Older), YC-Individual15&OlderFull (YC Individual 15 & Older Full), YC-IndividualChildFull (YC Individual Child Full), YC-IndividualFullTimeCollegeStudent (YC Full Time College Student), YC-IndividualSenior (YC Individual Senior), YC-IndividualSeniorFull (YC Individual Senior Full), YC-Three+Household (YC Three+Household), YC-Three+HouseholdFull (YC Three+Household Full), YC-TwoPersonHousehold (YC Two Person Household), YC-TwoPersonHouseholdFull (YC Two Person Household Full), YC-TwoPersonHouseholdSenior (YC Two Person Household Senior), YC-TwoPersonHouseholdSeniorFull (YC Two Person Household Senior Full), valid on transaction date.


Household Category of CG Resident.
Current Transaction Date before 07/22/24.
Household Category of CG Non-Resident.
Current Transaction Date before 09/16/24.

AAC- Book Club, October

Join the Adult Activity Center’s Book Club as we discuss a different book each month.

The book club will meet the 2nd Monday of the month

September: Horse By: Geraldine Brooks
October: Lessons in Chemistry By: Bonnie Garmus
November: Trust By: Hernan Diaz
December: The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle By: Stuart Turton

Circulo de Lecturo / Spanish Book Club
Disfrutas leyendo libros que cambiarán tu vida, si los dejas? Te gusta la idea de ser parte de una comunidad de personas de ideas afines y de corazón abierto? Te tomarás este viaje en serio y te divertirás un poco también? Has venido al lugar correcto! Únase a nosotros en nuestro club de lectura mensual en español llamado Circulo de Lectura.

Do you enjoy reading books that will change your life, if you let them? Do you like the idea of being a part of a community of like-minded, open-hearted people? Will you take this journey seriously, and have some fun too? You have come to the right place! Join us at our monthly Spanish Book Club

For more information contact 305-461-6765 or email AAC INFO


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